
Authors should submit their proposals through the online submission Proposals should be submitted as anonymous abstracts in the form of a MS Word document using the Conference Abstract template. In addition to the anonymous abstract, additional information about the author(s) should be submitted.

Authors are invited to submit the following types of contributions:


Up to 15 minutes oral presentation on scientific research, best practices, practical advances, and educational projects. Presenters will be divided into sessions according to the topic submitted and will have a PC and LCD projector at their disposal. Printed materials (PowerPoint slides) of the oral presentation should be handed in personally to the session moderator.

Registration for presenters is possible through the online submission by selecting: Presentation

Round table:

Informative, educational and professional sessions lasting up to 90 minutes designed to promote interactive discussions between participants with common interests.

To register to attend with “Round Table”, please use the online submission by selecting: Round Table.


A form of group work in which all participants take part in a shared learning process and exchange of experiences with the help of an expert moderator. Workshops are organised in groups of participants and usually last up to 90 minutes. Different group work techniques can be used: inclusion activities, working in small groups, etc.

Registration for participation with “Workshop” should be made through the online submission by selecting: Round Table.


Short graphic presentations to be presented in a special session. Posters should be informative but also visually appealing. Posters are a good choice for participants who want to increase the visibility of their work and present their research or best practices in an effective, visually appealing and concise way.

Posters must be brought to the conference in printed form but should also be submitted electronically in PDF format via the online submission system. Posters should be written in either Croatian or English. The font size of the text should be at least 12 pt. Posters should have a clearly visible title and the name of the author(s).

Registration for participation with “Poster” should be made through the online submission by selecting: Poster.

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